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Welcome to my Blog

I'm thrilled to embark on this exciting long-term project, seeing it not just as an opportunity to share my design journey, but also as a platform to connect with fellow creators who share a passion for the arts. Whether you wield a camera, paintbrush, musical instrument, pen, or possess any other creative inclination, I'm eager to engage with you on this journey. So, without further ado, let's dive into what this blog will be about!

Blog Topics

My goal for this blog is to be informational, educational, and inspirational. Whether you're contemplating delving into your own creative pursuits or a seasoned professional seeking to broaden your horizons, my aspiration is for every reader to learn something from these pieces, and I hope to learn some things myself. Topics I'm eager to dive into include...

  • Design Trends

  • Case Studies & Critiques

  • Navigating the Design Industry

  • Interviewing fellow Creators

  • Ethics & Responsibilities in Design

  • Reflecting on my College Experience.

Let me kick things off by introducing myself and sharing my journey into becoming a graphic designer.

My Design Journey

My interest in design began during my final years of high school. I was fortunate to attend a rigorous magnet program that fostered critical thinking, creativity, and a global perspective all while surrounded by brilliant and talented peers. Growing up in a household where artistic expression was not just encouraged but celebrated, thanks in part to my mother's fine arts background, it's no surprise that I gravitated towards the arts. The decision to pursue graphic design came from my desire to channel my skills and apply them to everyday life- be it crafting websites, brand identity, apps, clothing, advertisements, etc.

When the time came to choose a college, I faced a dilemma between attending an arts college or a traditional university. Ultimately, I enrolled at my mother's alma mater, UMBC (University of Maryland, Baltimore County).

During my undergraduate years, I seized valuable internship opportunities, forged meaningful connections with fellow designers, and navigated the challenges of pursuing a career in the arts— all while contending with the disruptions caused by COVID-19.

Fast forward to today, I proudly hold a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts, majoring in graphic design, accompanied by a minor in entrepreneurship & innovation, and a certificate in User, Web, and Mobile Development. Shortly after graduating, I landed a full-time role leading design and marketing endeavors at the Annapolis Sailing School.

I'm currently immersed in my work and relishing the opportunity to reflect on my design journey during my spare moments. That's why I've decided to launch this blog series alongside a podcast coming soon! While I may not be a seasoned writer or polished speaker, this endeavor is a personal growth journey for me—a chance to connect with fellow creators like yourself.

Art & Design Style

I adore projects that dive into company branding such as logos, print, promotional merchandise, and digital platforms. My goal in the next few years is to earn my master's in User Experiences and User Interface. Although my degree is in graphic design, I also love to paint. I'm drawn to abstract, multimedia painting techniques as well as combining styles and color palettes.

I'm eager to start, and I hope you can join me on this adventure! Let's explore, learn, and grow together.

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3 Kommentare

Janae Jacobs
Janae Jacobs
07. Juni

Interesting to hear how our journeys so far have been so similar. I hope you continue to do well on your path!

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Hunter Sugg
Hunter Sugg
07. Juni
Antwort an

Same to you!😁

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Zach Vance
Zach Vance
03. Juni

Can't wait to read more!

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